'You May Rely On It'
'Yes Definitely'
MAJIK 8 BALL has spoken.
Funny you should bring up Denver...my friend that bequeathed me this MAJIK 8 BALL moved to Denver...HAHA!
..I swear I typed this out...perhaps I sent it wrong (perhaps my ass..I fucked it up!)
...anywhozles....O_M_G & I goto movies with the Junior Goat & Ian Starr...
.....we go see the Street Fighter...mmmm..popcorn!
Most definitely...the proper breathing & posture are very important in the rehab cases.
When I say posture I mean asana (comfortable way to sit) Full Lotus being on of the most widely known postures or asana...is not right for your situation...look up Dragon or Emperor asana....
(I'ld post links or pics but I haven't the time at the now..I saw some a week ago & could get to that in a later post)
Also there are a number of mental exercises where you focus the thought of wight light in a ball & place it to surround the knee...this technique is using thought as a tool to breach the wall between the conscious & sub-conscious mind...I'll also search for this info later.
What ever you do though...DO NOT PUSH YOU PAST YOUR POINT! That goes for everyone..but double for injuries of the joints.
..& thanx for the great question!