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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...I need a piecework sweater...think Bill Cosby...meets Mad Max...I'll pay
  2. *loud dance-hall reggae blares in the back ground* GRRRRR! This, is ON!
  3. Sandwiches..are manly!..& mine, are for when the girlies fall asleep!..&, you can't have any... ...A.N.D-D-D-D...I will marinate MY meat...in Scotch Whiskey...as, the beer, makes me TO MANLY...(like, cave-MAN...& even Chuck can't catch me in the woods!!!) EDIT, TO ADD: REAL MANLY PEOPLES; KNOW HOW TO COOK FOR THEMSELVES...ALLEVIATING EVEN THE NEED FOR ANY GIRLS IN THE AREA... (Fuck, that was in capslock...)
  4. Hey...I'll wear a loin cloth, & will enter as a MANTESTTNT& premake MANy sandwiches...I will gain MANy bonus points for MANy MANy MANLY things in the MANTEST...MANFEST will be so epic... HEY...watch out...REV KNOWS CHUCK! *sharpens hatchet*
  5. better than yesterday so far... wish i hads a bear claw though...
  6. *split-second-answer*


  7. I did not notice you were gone... ..I am working on some Zombi-rif-ic stuffs for Saturday! Congratis on the new castle!
  8. ...like...not working...but...on with it...
  9. Having to pick Junior Goat from school... ...now, I have to much shit going on...quesera...the show goes on.....
  10. oh..I realized that..it was an obvious article..no worries..that's just my rant for the day
  11. I dislike the term accidental in this case...you KNOW, heroin KILLS...randomly...you buy it anyways...you must want to die. Copied from the FB: I figure, in light of modern science, mourning for an OD (especially DOPE) is lame...they WANTED to die...actions speak louder than words.....That said, I still pray for an easy passage..AMEN
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