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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. NO Gaf...you are incorrect...there are 3 very public versions to the myth of the rapture. Pre- Mid- & Post- tribulation...SEE?! (edit to WHOLE HEARTEDLY AGREE...BJs= GREAT!)
  2. ..I feel that the Universe does NOT want me to feel good.
  3. ...bunch of feldercarb if you ask me!
  4. SWEET! I need to get on a scale...'cause I haz no clue.
  5. GOTH MILK? (edit to say: "you know that is a milking machine right?")
  6. ...no..just the Vampires HAVE to surf at night...the rest of us just need SPF75
  7. ...I think he is being funny he don't like that music... I am quite sure that he is NOT starting a fight...
  8. I am barely awake..I have NO CLUE how I feel..
  9. WOAH!...drink twice as much water as juice...to make sure it is being floated around right O_M_G did this on accident before the media got a hold of it...she loves the tangy taste of the juice & was working in a kitchen...where they had it for sale...so yeah...just add water...& you know how to eat & try to kick Cherney's ass in the DDR...THAT alone will skinny you up really fast....if you try on a regular basis!
  10. Awe the black one is SO cute!!!!(white cats are ugly I am a feline-"racist"!) ...& posts #3-#7...crackin' me UP!
  11. Donovan! Sunshine Superman Wear Your Love Like Heaven Epistle To Dippy First There Is A Mountain *****
  12. I AM SO THERE! *wipes mouth off* This will be SO cool!
  13. ..I think I'll see this in a couple of weeks here...I like the trailers.
  14. ..I feel ok..lil' tired...lil' hungry...I think this calls for a pot of coffee & a chicken pot pie!
  15. Yeah.....like two days ago!

  16. Bet they leave it open for a sequel......... ...& honestly...I am not into 1 shot movies that much...I like the 3 or more movies in a serial...really do...& when a movie has a definitive ending I get sad 'cause it is over...stories should almost always be open for more... ..(there's the true to life genre...& as the stories are written..they have endings..mostly.)
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