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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...I don't have a van...OR candy....but I am "weird"
  2. You Are 85% Open To say that you're comfortable in your own skin would be an understatement. You're very into yourself, and you love to tell everybody everything about you. While you may have the makings of the next Oprah, it's likely that people sometimes tune you out! I don't know how many people WANT to tune me out in person...but few seem able ...& honestly...on the therapist question...I said always...but I talk to my Brothers & Wife...& I have a Priest I can talk to about stuff...I'll not goto another therapist again...they try to get you to eat drugs...& drugs are bad...M-kay!
  3. ....I KNOW!....but it is not communicable in words...I could show you........
  4. ..like I missed something whilst I was gone... *scratches head* ...like I want another several hours of sleep...
  5. ...you know what.....I agree...this should be in the Philosophy forum....there should be another forum on DGN... Philosophy & Spirituality & Religion They should be broken off of Current Events...I'm just throwin' it out there
  6. ...trying to define that which we perceive..& what we perceive ourselves as...& how those things interact...is I believe a function of a lil' thing that several peoples (not just Goths) dig on doing...it's called philosophy...
  7. I really do love the "line in the sand" that you drew there...seriously. I will not take that as a joke. EVERY Goth (kidd or elder) I have EVER known...has a day or so after some drama or another...when they hate themselves...then...they change what they hate (leaving them to not be hypocrites & still hate what they hate) ...BAM..no problem...carry on...sometimes a change takes years to perform...but there is a fighting spirit (punk) that is an underlying power for motivation...& progresses the human race further... WHERE AS...I see these new creatures...these emo kidds (I have NEVER met ANYONE my age that claims allegiance to the emo scene)...they have no real hope for forward progression... .....unless they enter a "tears in my beer contest".....(just what I notice) ...& I am a vigilant one...
  8. YEY!


  9. I feel like I just slept for near 12 hours...& I feel like I am all caught up! ....& though I am so rested...I feel the NEED for a cup of the brown!
  10. ...I feel like I fell asleep & now I am cranky...& have a neck cramp!
  11. Hey...I have as job for you...


  12. ...it can't rain all the time....
  13. ..I once complained that "things are too right...it's spooky..."...
  14. YEAH...fuck them...fuck them HARD from behind...till they're sore! then they'll have something to bitch about...they LOVE bitching...they're not happy unless there is something to bitch about!
  15. My question is why do you goto the trouble of putting an asterisk in fucking...I find that offensive. Totally rude to us "fucking frieks"!
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