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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..it's not even 10 yet! .....oh...ne'ermind...I get it.. ...I am blagh! I have to push these buttons or something...
  2. 22 guests, 3 members, 1 anonymous members Yahoo.com, Google.com, phee (2), Baidu.com, gothkytten, camille
  3. ...I feel like G*D's Left Boot Heel...if IT were so inclined to wear boots.....
  4. ..TAXED... ...VEXED.. .....& a marked dis-ease.....
  5. Walking With Strangers~ The Birthday Massacre
  6. AhA! Look at me Brother ova' here...goin' Tka-Tka & all that...with the button pressin' & such!!!

  7. ..I am chillin'... ..gonna' watch T.V.....
  8. ..oh man...I am tuckered out from pressin' buttons this afternoon/evening....
  9. ..I feel like I really DID press record & not practice play... & I repeated the "fuck-up part" 3 times & brought it RIGHT back around to "the right"...thus making it NOT a "fuck-up"... oOo...why no "go back & record that button" I feel like a cigarette & a retry & then maybe I go see me peoples at coffee for a minute....
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