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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. *laughs at you*

    *for no disernable reason*

    *walks away slowly*giggling*

  2. 37 guests, 5 members, 4 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Megalicious, wormsinwombs, Yahoo.com, candyman, Google.com, Baidu.com, Saephyr
  3. Yes...you are SO seriously right when you're right...
  4. My Pa once said to me, "I brought you into this world...I can take you out & make the replacement!" Thought I'ld be silly for a moment ...but a while ago...(not so long ago)...this was a publicly acceptable thing to say to your son...apparently..
  5. ...like I was not awoken when I left word to be awoken.... ..& I had a horrid dream (horrid for a friend of mine)...(which is WORSE than a dream that is horrid for me)...
  6. Hind sight is twenty-twenty you know...

    *bites big fat bacon sandwich*

  7. You're right...everyone IS wrong...good thing I'm a nobody instead of an everybody...that makes ME... . . C O R E C T T ! ! ~!
  8. WOOHOO! Like I can shovel the snow in 5 minutes...(I know it'll take longer..just I feel THAT GOOD!)
  9. I have never read anything SO wrong anywhere.
  10. No...why would that bring me joy? Go ahead...I reserve the right to tell you to leave me alone at that time...by the way...when did PDA get brought into this...sound like a whole bundle of issues dude... How very....angsty of you...
  12. I did not comment as to why you were bitter...perhaps you can ask a Freud about it Has not a whole lot to do with money...it's a religious Holiday..albeit a small one..but it is nice..& more Catholic you know..see..money ends up coming into play in allot of Religious Holidays when the Secular peoples get a hold of it...if they aren't into the Spiritual aspect of say SAINT VALENTINES day..(Saint Valentine who died for what he believed in {no matter which story you read on it} he died in defense of LOVE.) SO..some peoples celebrate the great example...why do you peoples have to harsh on MY celebration of a GOOD PERSON? ..& Cupid was stolen by the Catholics (don't make their path any less than another because they stole all the stones from other roads.)...CUPID...has his OWN day..right around now...it's MORE about carnal lust & fucking your friends if memory serves correct... ...please stop being a hater.
  13. ..makes a nice contrast to your eyes...you should do a thick Souxie-like cat's-eye with your liner if'n you go out on Saturday! eternal won't be able to keep his hands off you till you get home...BET! (OLD ADAGE:...never gamble with a gypsy.)
  14. ..can't wait to see it! Well...I got no nap...but I had the refreshing shower...can't wait for Sci-fi Friday to start!
  15. That was to Candy... I am NOT a hippy! (it ain't Spring! ) #3 is false.... ...you are correct my 2 was lie... 1) I am naked 2) I was just naked 3)I will not be naked later
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