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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. NO prob bro.....perhaps a few opportune small gatherings (2-3 models at a time) can be planned around town in the next couple of months?
  2. ...DAMN...is MY subconcious controlling the weather??? I was just sayin' to the driver Lady that it's gonna' "cold&snowy" just to wreck everybodies V-day plans.....shite! I am good! GOOD THING.....WE were not planning on leaving the house this weekend.....
  3. ....can't WAIT for Friday!!! ...lil' Scotch...some BSG...Ellen is coming back! (I saw the commercial)...(I told ya' SO)...& she knows STUFF! .....A N D....there's what...5 more episodes? or is it 6?
  4. *phee steps in* What's that weird grinding noise?
  5. SO...when/where do you want to do this... ...I suggest to do this in small groups...if you don't just meet everybody individually... ..parties are GREAT...but sometimes..you want mellow quiet
  6. ..shit yeah...I almost DIED..............not really...but it WAS scary..I though I was on the spill...
  7. WOAH! That's with the 1 lock in the front!!! THAT...is a WHILE ago...(I think over a year) *ponders growing whiskers again* ...O_M_G's mouth is SURE pretty here...
  8. ..I concur... ...sentiments returned... +5 I feel that Jr.Goat & O_M_G will LovE their V-day presents
  9. 2 things to check..........first..did you google butt enhancing exercises? ..second.....prosthetics??? they HAZ implants now...I saw it on the tele'... ...oO...then there's ALWAYS the gamble with pregnancy but you get a kid out of it...
  10. trying to get out the door... EDIT: I leave now....see how long I take to "get ready"...well..there WAS a list to write
  11. *puts on rosary* *suits up for battle (just in case)*
  12. *walks in* FUCKIN' COFFEE ROCKS!..in case you missed the memo! *keeps walking*
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