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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...me too! ...& anametamystic! HAIR PARTY!!!
  2. *moves to the left*

    *humps harder*

  3. Active Users 21 guests, 14 members, 4 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yahoo.com, TitsMcGee (+), Chernobyl (4), easy2cy, candyman, Msterbeau (1), Google.com, Scary Guy, Spook, taysteewonderbunny (+), TomCat, BooHoo, Jessika Fxckin rocks (1), Baidu.com, thewhiterecluse, gothkytten Show detailed by: Last Click, Member Name
  4. ...just the REALLY COOL KIDDS.....now that I have one planned...(for mid-Lent...yeah..I do Lent)... NO.....I ate PERFECTLY HEALTHY when I hads the card deally... ...I also study Yoga, Biology, & Sociology. .....SO.....I will agree with alls of yous on the spirit of your point...that IN AMERICA...the poorer gets the crap foods... HINT: FOOD THAT IS PREPARED (or comes in boxes) is crap... You want Macos&Cheese....MAKE SOME! (don't know how?)(sux)(I can tell you) Fruit Markets will USUALLY take the card...(Eastern Market does as well) RICE + VEGGIES ROX! (maybe add a tiny bits of meat or tofu).....(don't know how?)(I can tell you)..... ....I think I better clear my Monday...completely...to wright that g-damned Yoga thread (almost done re-re-re-reading the book).....& a "cooking with rev thread".....yeah...we're gonna' be NOT using the fryers at all...
  5. ...that chick...hit her with a PM...she's napping right now she can gets it on Monday I think...unless they are out again...but (not butt, StarrCats)...they probably did not run out that fast....
  6. ...no...test works fine...he fudged the results for Boomer... 25 minuts!!! WHOOOOOOOOO! FRAK frak Frak fraK FrAk fRAK
  7. *BIG-HUG* I loves me that game!! ...though..I am not ALL about those long term deals...they DO work out sometimes...& whenever "sometimes" happens.....it IS MAJIKAL!
  8. ...that's not very healthy... ...& why put off tomorrow what you can begin today???
  9. ...readin' n a PM about how much O_M_G likes boxes... ..& takin' it TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT..
  10. Rock Me Amadeus ~ FALCO *does the robot*
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