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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I wasn't bitchin' at you kid...don't these Ladies know...other than Spook...there are no men our age that are nice left...
  2. ...well then you 2 go on a date if you nice peoples deserve nice peoples...
  3. ...hmmmmm...........sounds like you MIGHT be volunteering to try gimp...
  4. ...quit bouncin' SO much! you're gonna' drop ME!
  5. *climbs on Tom's back for a Goaty-back-ride*
  6. Don't you laugh at ME!!.....I'll GET you...
  7. ..watchin' last night's Daily Show......I was bUsY last night...
  8. ...who said you have to date your age??? ..fling with the groupies! .....TRUTH be told...counting on Cupid does little compared to a well thought out Invocation of PAN.
  9. ...french bread...bacon..mayo...& mustard.....no time for cheese today
  10. ...Goat don't lie!.....unless it's under the bleachers!
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