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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..was tired...but a trek to the grocery store woke me right up... ......anxious to watch NEW BSG tonight!
  2. ...waiting on Gyro & chilly cheese fries...
  3. ...not everyone! ...I really should have put that in quote tags so as to be from "The Narrator"...
  4. ...that's why I don't even haz a target weight...as it is just shape I am concerned with...
  5. 18 guests, 25 members, 4 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), StormKnight (+), Yandex.com, Google.com, candyman, Oh_My_Goth (+), phee (2), e-jewell, Cobion.com, Goth Brooks, DJ Saint, prick, Spook, TomCat, Chernobyl (4), Mean Salley, Head Wreck, TitsMcGee, XillaToxic, TygerLili (+), Yahoo.com, Megalicious, Reaper, Rayne (1), Constantin, hunhee (5), The evil fish, DeadBurgerKing (5), creatureofthenyte
  6. ...even a married guy needs some "back"...now & again ...
  7. I think we will meet this weekend..eh?

    Lookin' forward to makin' some more friends!

  8. Unka'-Tom say he got that fo' me! I'm to busy with me chores list today anyhow...
  9. ...waiting for Jr.Goat to be dropped off from school... ..we will then traverse the cold-snowy-white to procure Taco Bell!
  10. ..here here...the motion passes! ...& NO cookies....................YET!
  11. ...busiest night there is no scheduled activity that we would be disturbing...we CAN be annoying..but not DISTURBING... ...'c'mon...you wanna' "walk the line"...
  12. ...no...we can't...the POINT was to be annoying...you wanna' start a thread for when we should do this AS A GROUP? Trixxie's is good for this on a Wednesday night...
  13. Hey...WE should have a coffee meeting & see who can consume the greatest amount of coffee in a 3 hour (or more) span of time
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