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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...I am going to eat some food...do some light cleaning...bit of baking...& watch some T.V. for a bit..
  2. ...well...get some on the way home...I fergot 'cause it was not on the list...& I ain't goin' back out...nor will I to drink the tap water...EVER...(unless I'm "THAT" drunk)
  3. ...leaving...yeah...takes me a long time to get ready to leave the house...
  4. ...& they are top notch "skills".... I like your noises anyways...& I kinda' have those "skills"..& they are gettin' better.. ...I needs the MORE tech...'comin' in feb... ...I got a new drum! it's a small jimbe (sp?)
  5. Nice roos!

    How you doin'?

  6. ...I am going to the grocery...ah...time to swim with the haters...
  7. Hi...good to see you...& thanx for the presents...I like!

  8. 20 guests, 10 members, 2 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), TomCat, chaosgypsy, Yahoo.com, Cobion.com, Google.com, hunhee (5), MSN.com, TheOsakaKoneko, Baidu.com, sexslavetrainer, Brenda Starrr (+), pharmacyst1282, DJ Saint, munin218 (4)
  9. ...you DO know that Ogre shot heroin & smoked crack right? (& I know you are funny)
  10. ...I did not say "NEED" unkle-tom... .....but it MIGHT not HURT the situation... (NOTE: "might")
  11. ...oh..yeah...if you decided to USE a tool...but forgot to USE it...that woldn't do much... ...BUT...I was sayin' as a temporary "CRUTCH"...I thought it a good idea... ...not probably for my 5-8 lbs. that I'm tryin' to shed... ...ya'll want to know the FUNNY part? ...It'll take at LEAST 4 months for me to lose that... .....I already eat the least amount of food that O_M_G will let me get away with... (except in the Summer...I can't eat in the day in the Summer sometimes)
  12. .....I will start a class on a thread...perhaps today if not...tomorrow... ..I know links to pics of positions...& a few helpful texts. .....you know.....Yoga is GOOD to combat ALLOT of the long term negative side effects of many drugs & alcohol.
  13. ..I think that the journal is merely a tool to aid & abed the LIFESTYLE CHANGE that is necessary for KEEPING off the pounds...people may think that a "diet" will make them loose weight...but in fact...they (in the long run)..end up making a person GAIN weight...it is just a consciousness raising thing. ..SO....like...what if YOU stop DDR (say you were at phee's house & broke your ankle)... You would get "fat" again... ...same if you have a change of diet...if you stop...you revert.
  14. .."implicate"???....why Sweety..it was YOUR idea! .......& to right about the top...I have to do the same with the Pepsi...I can has 1-2 a week...if I have more...it'll be 2 a day...bad stuff that is....but WE as Humans can re-double our efforts at WILL... ....WILL is the KEY! .....how do you bump your Willpower; you might want to ask the REV..... ..f'in' YOGA!
  15. ...I feel Rayne should train her kids how to dig in the snow
  16. ...like I am running from HunHee... *runs away*
  17. ...EVERY LICK & TASTE?...of EVERYTHING?????! ...that must make oral a chore... *runs*
  18. *licks lips* ...why...you're welcome Darling.....nothin' but the BEST in MY coffee...
  19. ....I feel like I was awake for 2 minutes about 20 minutes ago...
  20. ...feelin' good...actually a bit giggly...
  21. ...you can try...but it's JUST CUTE.

    *kiss on the nose*

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