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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. *lavender energies* Hope you can stop hurting...those suck! I feel this new song...gotta' finish it; & start a new one...Spring is comin'...I know, because, my 'juice' turns on right before Spring...
  2. ...I'ld totally fuck myself right now ... but, I'm certain, I am out of my league....
  3. 10 members, 18 guests, 3 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name Eevee, Google, Gaf The Horse With Tears, AstralCrux, DJ Aaron Hingst, necrosis, Tyger, kat, Raev(4), Iris, phee, MSN/Bing *poof* I'm gone! Obfuscate 6 biatchez!!!
  4. 15 members, 19 guests, 2 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name Rev.Reverence(3), DJ Aaron Hingst, AstralCrux, Google, Eevee, Gaf The Horse With Tears, necrosis, Tyger, kat, Raev(4), Iris, phee, MSN/Bing, TitsMcGee(+), creatureofthenyte, Chernobyl(5), pomba gira HOLY SHITE!...I'm really here!
  5. Yeah...what f0rged said...did you read a book? (happens allot..video games too )
  6. You're intolerably pun-ny...:p

  7. Yeah...& some peoples, just CAN NOT...that doesn't make her 'stupid'...it makes her addicted... ...I hate stupidity as much as the next brain-user...but, I'm just not seeing it...now, the complaint itself, the jackhammers...that's stupid!
  8. You know guys...all the smartest Doctors recommend that you NOT quit smoking to quickly when you are pregnant..unless, it does not stress you out..as, if you quit cold turkey, you could kill the baby with the adrenal & endorphin jones...I'm just sayin'... THAT SAID: still, camera's there, & the big interview...probably not the best time to light up...Americans are really bad at 'keeping up on appearances'...
  9. Great works! KEEP IT UP Y'ALL! ...I needs to do some sit-ups some more...still 3 lbs. over...I cans see it!
  10. Awake ..horneey ..& about to walk Junior to school ...creative those beats have no choice but to be put DOWN as soon as I am home
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