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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. .....like walking in a mini-blizzard is GOOD for you.....
  2. ^^^Happy-fun-time-DGN-ole-fashioned-luv-in-is-in-progress-!^^^
  3. HiYa Chika!

    Good to see you so chipper ;}

  4. Hallow!

    How ya' doin'?

  5. ^^^^^^^^SHE, made me choke on me soup!
  6. ...I'm happy & productive...(good 'cause I just sat for 3-4 days workin' this new tune)...(house looks like it)...
  7. I haz clam chowder with croutons & cheedar cheese...Mmmmm...always a favorite taste...
  8. ...WOW.....I just checked the top 20 posters of all time... ...& I'm not gonna' gloat or anything 'cause I don't know how far behind me HW is... ....OH....fuckitall...
  9. ...I knew it was her... *shakes fist in the air*
  10. ...awe...I feel O_M_G is gonna' "let 'em have it!" ....I also feel I should move to a different city... ...peoples keep starin' at me like I'm wearing a big black trench-coat...
  11. ...I feel quite similar....& like I am still humming THAT damned tune I'm wrightin'...
  12. ...far to deep & enlightened to be in a supermarket.....here I go!
  13. ...makin' list for supermarket... thanx to Riku...not forgetting sugar...
  14. ...like I need to goto the supermarket...
  15. 23 guests, 4 members, 2 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), TheOsakaKoneko, Yahoo.com, Cobion.com, Scary Guy, gothkytten, Google.com
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