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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Ah...I see the infamous "stinkin'-hippie" picture has been displayed nicely there...

  2. ...quit being sick!

    ....you gotta' come over so I can show you a new tune.

  3. SO....what kind of freik are you?

  4. ...seriously impressing myself at reworking the previous mentioned part & the others are falling into view... I love it when a plan comes together... (especially when I had only "I'm making a song..." as my outline)
  5. ...but now the theme song is in MY HEAD! AAAAGHHHHHHHH!
  6. I...am working on this part in this song...that will plague me for days I fear...(the whole song that is..not this part)...
  7. *cracks whip*

    Take those orders...fill those reports!

    ..refund the Jew's WHOLE ORDER!

  8. ...oi vey! I had to goto sleep in the living room with the T.V. on last night 'cause the hook kept revolving in me head! *runs in a circle* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  9. Hellow!...& welcome back.

  10. ...I wish I could come into work for O_M_G for 3-4 hours today...I CAN MAKE COFFEE!
  11. Hallow, fellow stay-at-home friek!

    Me wife had that funny bunny in her signature about a month ago...


  12. 14 guests, 5 members, 1 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yahoo.com, Msterbeau (1), Google.com, Head Wreck, ~Tszura~ (2), BooHoo
  13. ...I feel ROCKIN'...despite a marked lack of sleep...& the early hour...
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