...the one with no name still..(I fell asleep contemplating the next part & the big finish)...I am looping it.....getting dizzy already...thinking on scrubbing a "BIG FINISH", for a "small danish"...no-no-I KIDD! I don't think I'll use a big finish on this one though..more of let it peter out.....
I feel like watching a movie...& some Trix...good thing I am not a rabbit..
...I feel my day of "work" is at a close... Sci-fi has a nice movie for us to watch in about 25 minutes...
...in the WAY-FAR-RETRO-ROOM...you & Riku were dancing...& O_M_G & I...& we all switched...& then we switched again & Riku & I almost tripped over each other's feet trying to lead each other through the spins...it was a blast!
...I do have the "Occult Secrets"...& I WILL share them with any & all that WILL ask for them properly...question by question...
..except certain things...but they are not related to this subject in the least...
...this was me at 18...I expect that if you want better in your life...every time you do something...do it 1 better than the last time
..this I like to call the "+1 Imperative"...
...Hmmm...performing ancient rituals to acheive desired effects...time honored rituals...
Hmmmm...like "doing something right"...I think that might be "RAISING YOUR STANDARDS"!
...Ya'll want to let Cupid be personified in your minds...but do not want to make friends with the entity YOU are creating...
...there are enough enemies of Man...Cupid is supposed to be a friend...let him be!
...well...did any of you ever stop to wonder if Cupid thinks YOUR stupid?
...I mean...you are all the ones with out dates...perhaps you should research as to the "proper" manner in which to get Cupid to work FOR YOU...instead of forever frustrating your positions...