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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...still ragin' & fumin'... ...but at least I can smile again!
  2. ..I'm watching Hercules...the mini-series...
  3. HEHEHE...I go look at Lego now!

  4. RIGHT!

    ..& you were RE-introduced with ALL that info...NOW I remember...

  5. ..."ALWAYS"?

    We met before?

    (I do, do that sometimes) :p

  6. Whoooo...



  7. I thought I was your normal freind. *runs away*
  8. *points*


    Lookin' at me...& not even saying hi!

  9. ..fish fillets (breaded)...potatoes with melted cheese...
  10. ...grrrr! I r hating th' world!
  11. I find that the general grossness can be...gross... I am enjoying being VERY irate livid pissed-off pissed-on!
  12. I'm thinking of doing things to you tonight...

    ...mmm...potatoes smell GOOD!

    (totally unrelated thoughts)

  13. HI!

    I missed you last Sat.

    You goin' down for New Years?

  14. ...just a general statement...that is true...almost all the time...

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