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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Hope you REALLY enjoyed last night Bro!

  2. WHOOT!

    Just a reminder...YOU KICK ASS!


    I'm c-c-c-CRASHIN' your NYE partee!

    Tom said I could!

  3. Good to see you guys out!..see you again soon!

  4. Always great to see me peoples!

  5. :w00t: ...the roads have been washed (pretty-much-clean)...& I haz b-b-sitter... ...Clubin'! in good weather!
  6. ...a bit dazed from ALL the happenings...throwing 2 dinner parties...attending a friend's party...DGN appreciation night...shipping Jr.Goat out to G-maw's...New Years Eve...& then in a week or so after that...I go back to Yipsi for more recordings...... ...SO...you see...I'm only half way through me plans...
  7. ..teh sexie leftoverz from turkey-dinner... ...teh sexie ' cause O_M_G & I made it together...
  8. ...I don't even know it's name...it is by a girl...from a long time ago...late 80s to early 90s... I have a very strong hunch O_M_G likes the song more than most songs from then... ......I'll get back to you when I've heard the lyrics clearly... ...(the whole song has been looping into my head today).. (there's more to the line but I forget how it goes)
  9. ...turkey is JUST ABOUT to go in...(S.O.B. 'ate' ALL the stuffing!)
  10. ...cigarette...then the stuffing...dress & stuff the bird...so I can do the dishes & put the turkey to cook! WOO!
  11. ...pretty good! ...little flustered...but that's cool...it's not like I'm opening the booze or anything! (bet my biologicals have been at it since 11) (first round of fighting to comence in 30 minutes)(thank G*D I was wise enough to cut them out of my life!)
  12. ...salad tongs...hmmmm...for tossing...salad...hmmmm... I am to busy to put any underwears on :blush:
  13. Boiling the potatoes for mashing... ...getting dressed to go & get my BOOZE for the cheer-able-cheer-factor-of-a-cheery-event!
  14. SEE...we are in a spot right now where there's LESS weather... ...it will be shitty again tonight or tomorrow morning... Calm before the storm? ...no...the next storm is a pip-squeek...in comparison to the one last Friday...
  15. ...I tell ya'...there's gonna be some shit talk tonight at dinner time...
  16. Boiling eggs for scotch eggs...makin' th' coffee...
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