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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Pretty good...can't complain anyways...and you?

  2. I can stay inside all week after I go for a lb of coffee tonight... ...but I need new boots...the watertight pair is COLD leather...no insulation... ...& too tight if I wear an extra pair of sox...
  3. HI!

    *sends message telepathically*


    ...& thanx for the help on Sat...IOU1.

  4. You shoulda' blew me!

    I'm stupid horny now...& can not concentrate...

  5. 80's pop-rock...with some Reggae thrown in the mix...
  6. No worries Sis'! I enjoyed every second...the sound of children going insaine was quite refreshing...

    WE shall do it again soon...Veggie & Venison...(separate pans!)


  7. ...hating my life...or at least aspects of it...that's normal right?
  8. ...I feel it is time to get O_M_G's B-day alcohol supply... ...better bring the BIG back-pack... *duck & runs all the way*
  9. ..not anymore... I gotta' log onto myspace & hit him up with a snowball fight...hope I remember later...off to shovel...!
  10. ...unless we have a last minute ride issue...we are SO there...& I'm even going to try to stay mostly sober!

  11. ...like I'm almost out of coffee I can get more...later...but...I forgot to do it last night.. *snow-day-dance*
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