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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Your goin' to Club on the 20th right?

  2. ...winding down for a nap...before I wake up & have to get to work...(& it is a GRUELING task at that)...
  3. 15 guests, 4 members, 1 anonymous members Yahoo.com, Google.com, st_masey, Ice Queen (1), Mean Salley, DoomTrain, MSN.com
  4. ...keepin' me eyes open is a big job right now....
  5. ..awake...but I think a nap this morning...SOON...if at all... I did not goto sleep so early & did not sleep soundly AT ALL...3 wake ups in a 5 hour period...I believe that calls for a nap... ...SO...I did not make coffee this mornin'...I think it will taste better after a nap....& work correctly..
  6. Yes...I did...That is why I came in to see your post... ...do you think I should dye me hairs BLACK? (except Lister...he stays blue with rainbow tips)
  7. ...you are snoring...

    ..I need a cigarette..

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