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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...how about posing in red hair with a lazer rifle...
  2. ... *presses PLAY on a sampler* oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-OH MY GOD! (edit to add: I just noticed I'm at 6,699 posts...I like that #!)
  3. *tuck*



  4. ...do them BOTH.....'cause it is fun.....& it should give you a gooder ideal of which one you like more-er... ...you should also figure out when I am just NOT the right person to listen too... ..but then again...maybe I am...
  5. ...I'm gonna' go have a smoke...then practice a tune or two...THEN goto Trixxie's for a cup...
  6. ...why you gotta' be SORRY...?...

    ...don't be SORRY....just BE...


  7. ...GEARED-UP............ .............FOR NOTHIN'!!!
  8. ...sheesh...it was barely even snow...more like fluff...
  9. ..back from foraging at the supermarket... ...about to go & scrape all the snow/ice off the driveway...
  10. ...like I have to go & fight the snowy white!
  11. I feel like pluggin' in that machine...or at least bringing an Igloo (cooler) full of ice to PHEE...(I have had many ankle twists)... I ALSO feel that I crashed out in the livingroom during cartoons this morning...the result would be a sore neck...& an extra 3-4 hours of sleep that (other than the neck) has me feelin' like a Superman...
  12. I~~~TOTALLY LOVED IT! Thanx for bein' so very attentive to the fact that a schizoid needs THAT certain attention (on a regular basis) to keep the brain workin' correctly...




    Do you think you have a friend you can bring over later this week??

  13. ...the boat...OR...the box??? (edit to add: OR the Joan...)
  14. ...I found it misfiled in a stack of poetry... ..NOW... I'm mad 'cause I recorded the damn music "PERFECT" but for the whistley noise is too loud...but I did it on purpose 'cause I thought it sounded "COOL" as an instrumental... *squinting glare*
  15. *squints* ...like I can't find the words to a song..I know they were somewhere around here..... *skratch-skratch*
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