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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...mucho organized...for my mission next week... ...& much like many of you in here...I am also scared at the thought of ME...ORGANIZED...
  2. .....I FEEL.............like Ghandi.....send by the Divine Seat.....to KILL Rock'n'ROLL.....
  3. ..just bein' phunny...


    ..did you get excited???

  4. ...turnin' on the 909 to work on some songs...
  5. Your the one on the right aren't you...with the hottie in your lap
  6. ...you forgot that SOME of us...are SO lucky as to have been raised in BOTH!
  7. One time...when I was a vegetarian (for Yogic cleansing reasons)...WE made mashed potatoes & corn gravy....that's 2 cans of corn...mixed with 1 can of cream corn... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  8. One time...when I was a vegetarian (for Yogic cleansing reasons)...WE made mashed potatoes & corn gravy....that's 2 cans of corn...mixed with 1 can of cream corn... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  9. I simply don't have much time out of the house at all...(exhibit #1 my post count)
  10. ...I do happen to know quite a few peoples...& they are not ALL on here...yet...(give pRick a minute)...
  11. ...I quit this shit! ......QUIT WITH THE FUCKIN' BINARY! ....... .....THIS IS EARTH SPEAK HUMAN LANGUAGES! (That shit makes me head hurt) *stumbles away*
  12. I was gone for a moment...haz to share with O_M_G...I'll be in & out tonight...I haz game of RISK right now...


  14. I do have the handicap...it is his FIRST game...you know how the first Warhammer40k game went...right!?
  15. Lister did it...he don't like me head gettin' hit...it is delicate...send me a PM...
  16. I am about to play RISK with the family...& watch the Sci-fi Friday...
  17. ...I don't honestly know you that well...not that I don't want to... .......BUT your posts do not add up to MUCH in the way of a psych analysis.. ...we will have to hang at Club for a few...I'll be at the DGN aprec. night on the 27th. ......rumor has it
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