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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...you REALLY like this necklace don't you...
  2. ...it was me (& I'm new at this).....I mean..oOps.....I'm a Goat... SO..perhaps....you should be asking yourself, "WHO GIVES A CRAZY SATYR ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS?"
  3. Firstly...let me say...posts like that ^^^ are a distraction...(I'm not complaining...just sayin' it)... I have on green & white muck-lucks (sp?)...green sweat pants...& a red/green (no relation) sleeveless tye-dye... ...Oh...& me ever presant Holy Hexagram...
  4. Coffee a haiku put another pot on I am not quite awake enough to work on my poems
  5. I guess it IS A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL...

  6. It ain't the taste...it's the texture....sqwidgey...
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