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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ACTUALLY.....that's the SECOND NOTE....at coffee...slid across the table...in a mock-coy.. MEGA-CUTE-POINTS.
  2. You can always just tell the perspective new DGNer the URL & your signon name... OR EVEN strap them to a seat in front of a computer & type for them...
  3. ...it can be a rather effective ploy...& does not have to be done in a "high-school-ish-fashion"... ...ESPECIALLY in a Library... ...it could be in the order of an invite...to coffee, let's say...& it can be far vaguer than I exampled...
  4. The (3) next to my name indicates I am ...& I have brought 3 recruits to the fold.... ...the (+) I think is a member who has not gotten any recruits?...there is a file around here somewhere...
  5. ...I like to hand peoples short letters explaining that I am a shy Knight...& I'ld like to ask permission to court them...
  6. I don't know that guy... ...who want's to plan a field trip to the library?
  7. 15 guests, 15 members, 2 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), phee (2), Yahoo.com, Head Wreck, pheramoans, Google.com, Eevee, Gaf The Horse With Tears, MSN.com, deadbydesire, vampvoluptuous, Rayne (1), Reaper, DJ Saint, Azeuron (+), XillaToxic, StormKnight (+), munin218 (4)
  8. .....heh.....

    Your asleep...I'm gonna' get you :}

  9. I was very sad for a bit...but now I'm

    oK...& you?

  10. ..like I hurt me neck...a pain worse tan depression alone..... (edit to add: hurt it sleeping)
  11. SEX&MASTURBATION...in not the only way to trigger a chemical reaction in the brain... ...that is called "ORGASM"..OR.."GETTING OFF"... ...I am talking about THOUGHT...just sitting & thinking...the EXACT OPPOSITE of what one does when they Meditate....
  12. *spank*



  13. ...I haz a "Marvin" in my head...for semantical masturbation...(talking to me selves)...& I do not kid about "SEX" or "non-Sex Orgasms"...SOME THINGS...are ALL in the HEAD.
  14. He's not FOR that! It's a purely intellectual exchange.....& THERE IS SUCH A THING!
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