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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Happy you Thanksgiving as well Dear!

  2. O_M_G got home &....well...I got VERY distracted....for a long time... (edit to add: I FEEL GREAT!)
  3. ...Hmmm.. I haz an outrageous ideal.....want to hear it?
  4. I...am officially to "drunk"... Drunk soon....
  5. .............I bite mine down if they get toooo long, they usually do...whitch means they are jagged... ...but O_M_G went dancing...SO...um...YEAH...'nother thread then.....
  6. Filing my nails...I don't clpi, it's weird I know.)
  7. ...IS that SUPPOSED to MEAN what I think IT meant...
  8. ...SO...you'll be takin' over whilst WE are "fallin'-out"...
  9. Interpol EVIL ...NOW...Radiohead Creep...I like that song.
  10. ..I am giddily sipping uppon RUM with MANGO juice... ..Isn't that a funny word....."M A N G O"..... ..& "J U I C E"...fer that matter...
  11. N-N-N-N-Not the TRIPLE DAWD DARE... ..I'm on it...Can I perhaps get MORE qualifiers than, "No charity cases, or unsuspecting boobs"? My brain needs AT LEAST 5 differentials to come up with ANY ideas... *moseys to the 'fridge to score another glass of RUM* *giggling* *nay cackling*
  12. I am TRYING to do it...but it is hard...these peoples are all scattered.
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