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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ..awe shit...SHE may go out tonight...& no worries... I used to just sit alone being a crazy fuck...NOW, I can talkie-talk with other weirdo frieks... ..AHH...th' intra-webs...
  2. I can't go outside...there is just too much shit right now... I think I may sojourn to Club in the December...as I haz some intro's to make, if they can make it...
  3. ...oK...I gotta' say it...WHAT IS UP WITH YOU & ASSES TODAY?
  4. ..building General Grievous & his Starfighter...(YES...the Lego version)
  5. ..a bit better from bein' mostly just silly today, & I watched some comedy...so..."meh..oK." (but I'm still a bit sick...but I'm oK with that.)
  6. YOU. (I'm in charge of appointing peoples to stuff & things){like starting the thread}
  7. 29 guests, 8 members, 5 anonymous members Yahoo.com, Cobion.com, TheGimp, Azeuron (+), Eevee, pheramoans, Google.com, Michiko_Dreads (+), hunhee (5), DFShel, EntireWeb.com, Gigablast.com, GothicRavenGoddess (3) So much anonymity...
  8. ...getting ready to go do some errands..
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