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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. WOO! You guys both rock! (I would have regressed into a 7 year old mindset & rocked back & forth for the duration.)(SO, I guess I would rock as well, just not in such a cool & effective manner.) I hpoe for you the best!
  2. Words from Peter J. Carrol: Do it all. (I paraphrased ) at least TRY to do it all
  3. ..a couple of peoples have...& I exchanged some PMs with a couple of peoples...
  4. ...I told them...but peoples only listen to the crazy guy when they want to do what I say..
  5. I like Friday nights...I get to watch me Sci-fi!
  6. ...bored of feeling weird...so it shut off...I just feel bored now.
  7. ...bein' boring...I have done ALL the chores I can...&...now..I am bored...
  8. ..Got any more froots?

    Goats LVZ some froots...

  9. HEY MEG...... ... ...Never ever under any circumstances should you ever register for a Friday class again! (this was a friendly reminder from your Goat-Freind)
  10. ..that's pretty much it...so I don't run...I just walk near everywhere...

  11. SO...I'm STILL in the right!


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