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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Tis' alright...I am known for me honesty...not my "NICE"...so I understand... ...there is NO "wrong" Way...not in the I.:O.:T.: anyhow...
  2. ...orange sweats...burgundy long sleeves...burgundy no sleeves...tanker boots...blue bathrobe...
  3. ..I've got a few tricks I doubt he'ld appreciate me showing you...
  4. 2 guests, 3 members, 0 anonymous members Rev.Reverence (3), Yahoo.com, Cobion.com, BooHoo, MSN.com, Google.com, DJOMAC ...CREEPY...
  5. ...I was the "pervert on day shift" today...just doin' my job...& twern't nothin' you wouldn't have done for me...
  6. How East are we going?

    MSTERBEAU on the West side...

    There is PHEE in A2..

    ...don't get me started OUT OF STATE!

  7. That's what I said...

    ..AS I pressed the button...HAHAHAHA!

  8. Wait...that did not sound right...

  9. I know Bro... *pats phee's back* ..but we must remember that WE have the "riches" that you can not buy. *glint of serenity in eyes*
  10. I feel lucky to be poor already. ....HA! (that made me feel fucked up)
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