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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Damn near all of them would wear one.
  2. Dude...I know a pile of chicks that want them...& if they had it in black; I'ld rock it! ...think hard about this line...if you get it...it will help you through life
  3. I think...a neighbor, got over excited & used his new snow eater machine all over the block! I love that guy, & I wish I knew who he was...I keep thinking about someone...they know who they are...O_M_G will laugh-out-loud when she reads this...yeah, I ramble when I puff...but, at least, I don't loose IQ points like SOME peoples I know...this weekend's show will be stunning...if I don't faint, & I'm rambling still, aren't I.....I think, I'll watch hulu some more...
  4. ...well you are just the lucky...I'll save a pile of snow to throw you into ;} so you don't feel all left out......

  5. ...great...so, he can have a felony on his record FOREVER... ..talk about over reacting...I hope he beats the wrap...& they just give him counciling. .....I highly doubt, that the kid knows how to kill with a pencil...the eye is not the only spot soft enough...the neck is highly susceptible to poking wounds too...
  6. ...I should lay down & watch some hulu...maybe, I'll fall asleep...
  7. ...& you REALLY don't wanna' miss MY act.....
  8. Meditate on your animal self...quit 'beating your Id into submission'...Chicks dig Id. (Note: the use of a period.)
  10. ....like, very baffled, to say the least...
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