I CHANGED THE ORDER...According to order of import...
SEXUALITY: It is an actual requirement that a female is "Bi" to even lay next tome naked...I don't completely trust anyone who does not admit to enjoy giving cunnilingus...& oddly enough, I don't want to be with a Lady that won't touch my Wife.
EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL: I have a big hook to this... "KNOW THYSELF"... but I do have an affinity for people like me...BATSHIT INSANE...
PERSONALITY: Since I have a small collection of these...She should at least have 1 maybe 2 or 3...
FAMILY: Would prefer a person whom is very close to their unit...though, I am an unwanted bastard child & no hypocrite...
I would like to breed again, so the urge towards a familial way is a pretty big +...
HOBBIES: People should have hobbies...mates need not have all the same hobbies but should cross-participate occasionally.
Character: Should remind me of me at times (just at times, not at specific times).
INTERESTS: Mates should share a great deal of common interests. I mean that across the board. Like, in the kitchen (food), in the bed...in the bathroom...you know, on conservation, conversation & of course stuff & things...
JOB: Jobs are good, Careers ROCK.....one of these is also required.
PHYSICAL:These things have never really mattered, but I will answer them in a manner befitting.
Height: I prefer tall...as tall as possible.
Weight/body type: Proportional...but a bit extra is not gonna' have me bitchin'...but for heath type reasons in the old agedness times...HEALTH IS GOOD.
Eyes: DEEP & WISE...I am non-color specific...but eyes should be able to smile even when the lips can not...
Hair:DREADLOCKS...but if not...she should at least let us style it...
Skin:I require skin on people I hang out with...so it is a defacto requiem.
Clothing: ? I would prefer she wears it...it should flatter her figure, so I can complement her often.
I'm not that picky...but I do find my "type" to be a rare and beauteous creature...
Though we are very taken I thought I'ld post in favor of empirical study & group sharing.
Yeah...it is a great way to whore myself out...I have about 50 or so adds from the Mob app...
That's 50 more spots my name is at...50 more people that MAY look at their bulletins (like when I post new mus-Iks)...
Several people actually looked at my page that found me through Mobsters... & woah..check it out...WANNA' KNOW WHEN I'M PLAYING A SHOW!!! woah...
Also if you goto my page real quick & find the group I belong to you can join it (it is so people can add each other)