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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I see you lookin' at me...

  2. I wasn't trying to say it was bad bro... ..perhaps I should have phrased it in a question form instead of a statement..my bad... Serial Monogamy...what's that?
  3. See..your getting IT..!

  4. Serial monogamy...I don't get the concept...
  5. Wooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    in entirety...

    ..on my RADIO!!!

  6. "if I forgot a post I WAS going to post...where would it be posted?"

  7. I know SEVERAL...and I've only known a handful that ACT enlightened in ANY fashion I can comprehend.. ..(& I know my self to be an open minded individual)... In contrast...2 of the most enlightened and nicest people I have EVER met, are Muslim...
  8. There was no mention of MASS DEPORTATION that I saw... ..I understood the article to state that people who would not swear fealty to Australia, can leave... ..I do not see deportation as DEVISTATION...as the words mean something different. Now, I will give, that "deport" may be "overwhelming" but not to the point to throw Holocaust in at any time... ..There has ALWAYS been a FINALITY attatched to the word...even in the old times.
  9. I will restate...HOLOCOST means... 1. a great or complete devastation or destruction, esp. by fire. 2. a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering. 3. (usually initial capital letter) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (usually prec. by the). 4. any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life.
  10. So, if Qur'an SAIS it is O.K. to KILL, then they are allowed to... Australia just wants them to be AUSTRALIANS...Not a heaping mass of burnt flesh!
  11. So, you're thinking is that throwing out SOME of the people in this sect is "akin" to a "holocaust"? Even AFTER they had a chance to swear an oath to Australia?
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