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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. I eat slices of RAW garlic, won't eat rasins, and hate water... What your fav COFFEE...?
  2. And what a peacefull AND enlightened discussion we're all having.....
  3. THANKYOU&... You are correct... that is why 5-6-7+ sounds absurd even to my weird ass!
  4. Can I get a coffee, this one is almost empty.....
  5. Mixxing the beats; oh yeah... And not doing the dishes.. STILL.....
  6. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa...
  7. Honey.... You are a sicko.... But your MY sicko!!! That's a cool Graphic, but it's only an Isosceles, not Equilateral... Strongest Structurally...Hm... Math could be talking here......
  8. NOT!! I wanna' HAUSENFEIFFER!!!
  9. I am getting up the motivation to clean dishes and work on a song...or go back to sleep...
  10. awww... Maybe he can come over here and dance... ... ... ...In my BELLY!!!
  11. Looks like your BUNNIE needs a COFFEE!!! hahahahaha
  12. Oh yeah... we put 1can reg, 1can creamed, and call it corn gravvy!!! you like sheperds pie?
  13. writing a new dark tribal beat... MUAhahahahaha-----HA!
  14. ooo... depends on if the lady dines as well.... she don't fry... Frys, mashed or baked potatoe?
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