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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Trying.... ...really hard to keep 'working' today...
  2. and.....(apoem) where do thee extra WORDS go, man I've got some here to SHARE... I was wrighting poetry ALL day and came up with some spares... I DO NOT KNOW JUST WHERE THEY GO can you help a brother out PLEASE... {wine&cheese}
  3. Hey, everybody, tag a wall, and say something strange... prizes will be awarded on an as I feel like it basis... ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ :jamin :jamin :jamin :jamin :jamin :jamin :jamin :jamin THIS IS A PLACE WHERE WE CAN ALL FEEL SAFE.....BE GLAD TO SAY THAT WE'RE ALL ONE RACE..... .....A PLACE FOR SAYING THINGS WE MIGHT AUGHT NOT TO SAY..... ___________________________ NAGGING QUESTIONS LIKE... Like... ..where do the electrons go... when you turn OFF the computer... ......why do THEY perpetuate RACE????? ...where IS thee inter-web??? ..why is 'science' not called 'hithyersm'? (or any other word...)
  4. Yes... my home... my sanctum... My FAVORITE... When I say Club that's what I mean... not a bar... ..I got one at the end of the street... and they let the kids in too... and they need ALL OUR guidences...
  5. YEAH!!! Down with underpants, up with skirts!!!
  6. Seriously crazy hard mus-ik, serious man!!!
  7. The same; a clove cigerette, and a smash album to write... What do yooUU GOT???
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