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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. Sisters Of Mercy... This Corrosion :jamin
  2. Trying to write a 'Reggae Smash Hit'!
  3. ....Much like our beloved 'Murderface'(from dethklok); I want to write a 'Reggae Smash Hit', but I keep getting Industrial/Funk... oh well; back to buttons...
  4. PHEE... make the COFFEE brew faster... you know how you did...
  5. Yeah... you've really scratched the surface on that one...
  6. darkness Darkness darkness Darkness darkness Darkness darkness Darkness darkness Darkness
  7. blagh these words are unworthy of paper i am unworthy of me i being a mere fraction as cool as i am i think i am a joke stabbing myself and relishing the feeling of the exorbitant euphoria lost in repetitive redundancy mmmmm white castle
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