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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. "Very Doubtful" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken.
  2. I am so glad you had such a nice way of putting that...I was having a hard time with it. ...that's disturbing... ...& 6.1...that's SOME aftershock...(I've been in rumblers before)
  3. "Very Doubtful" "My Reply Is No" "It Is Certain" "It Is Decidedly So"
  4. I'm more into yoga than arobic?anarobic? I ferget those all the time...I am a tai-chi.yoga exerciser...

  5. ...I just got the beans from John Stewart...HA!~ It is not much to watch, I'ld imagine... ...I'ld stop watching...the more they push it...the more of a distraction it is... ..what is it a smoke screen for?...that's what I'm wondering... ....course, it could just be a circus for our amusement....who was it that said, "..bread & circuses..." (edit: I fergot an r...BAD PIRATE!)
  6. ...you know; the reason they calls me Reverend, is 'cause 'free-lance-shaman', just pulls funny looks in the city...& it is very hard to get anyone to listen that don't recognize your peoples as a Tribe (This-Tribe-Of-Frieks.) ...as for your stone head; I have recently become a Mason, you know what we do with stone right? (I hope your head is not just full of rocks. {rofl: I could not help it.) *serious face* .....I do know some of what is ailing your mind...if you'ld like to share more specifics, & talk on it...I am there (I've just been invisible lately.)...if you'ld like just to hear what I have to say on it at the now...I'll be right there...you also have REV'S phone #. (((((MANHUG))))) (Yeah, that's a size 5 man hug...they don't get any bigger than that without going queer.)
  7. *dumps more glitter in gutter*

  8. ...I want to be armed for veggie shopping.... or,even to go outside...
  9. ...woke just before 6...had a dream, I wish I could remember more of...no, it wasn't dirty...but, it had a friend of mine...& it was 'interesting' in a slightly dirty way (MAYBE)...I don't know nothin' fer sure... ...other than that..I've been catchin' up on my daily communications (they come in every night, as a Tribe, my peoples, do NOT sleep at the same time.) ...time to get Junior ready & off to the institution of learning.
  10. OOooo...I've been trying to cut down... ...no, really...I do know some frieks that are into hula-hoop...they are all circus-style performers... They are on my MySpace page (link for free in signature).
  11. ...it is going..I suppose...

  12. Well, that's odd...though, not unheard of...

  13. ..YEaSS...I did not WANT to....it was more of a tease...

  14. I could not see it either.....till one day...in the dark, in bed...my arm noticed, it barely reached over her spooning...(have you seen my arm, I mean DAMN.) YAY! I am so happy we get to see an even more sexxxie HunHee!
  15. I already stated: ..I did not even intend to off topic to Rush...it was just the second half of a news clip...but, he was being a douche.
  16. ...play more Goth music for him. (I heard this colour is better for your screen) I AM FANTASTIC...
  17. ..dig deeper...there's some down there from I...
  18. *REV'S NEW MOVEMENT* This new motion I put forth...is that, Pat Robertson, hasn't a clue as to what the Tenants of Christs Way are in the slightest...wherein, all Judgment is reserved for Deity...& that, Mercy, & Forgiveness are for those who ask for it.
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