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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...like I gotta' suit up to ride the bus...
  2. That's oK...I'm to smart fer me own good sometimes..

  3. ...back, front...where ever she wants it ;)

  4. NO?


    I was just agreeing with nothing...

  5. THAT, is some good shit...has a touch more caring, & compromise in it than just about every other non-smokier's post, that I have seen to date.
  6. ...made a friend... .....guess that's all I get so far...izoK...
  7. ...shit, I had it pegged for malnourishment...still; more than likely played a factor...
  8. ...I know you needed to laugh a bit.

    I know stuff...often...

  9. What does WM mean by this mahasiddha.....Sanskrit always have me at a loss... ZEN-SUFI...I think I get...& if I do...I like that definition...
  10. Hey every non-smoker...do you realize, that cancer, is just the natural way the human body dies? It's totally documented, that cancer happens; whether or not you take in the carcinogens. ...do you also realize, that all that shit pumped into tobacco (as preservatives, & flavor aide), are NOT in all cigs...I believe that Marlboro, & Camel are the worst (non-menthol).
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