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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. *jumps up & down imitating Cherny's rare whine* What are you doing Raev?...posting in yellow is MINE!MINE!MINE! (edit: bad spelling)
  2. Oh...they talked yesterday...just tellin' you & Brother.
  3. Yes...I do...every once in a while...like, when I mock you, or when I use all the colours for a mega post, or (like this time) when I press the wrong button, & don't notice...odd, that's usually a first thing in the morning thing...Oh, & I use this colour sometimes...'cause it's me fav pastel...
  4. ...um...I don't believe that ya'll did not know..O_M_G does this shit...she never fuck anybody up, & has done somewhere around 50 holes.
  5. Ok...I now think...we should just ban fast food...other than falafal & shwarma {sp?}. ...but, ask me again later...I'm a fluid today...
  6. *smashes acorn squash in bare hands*

  7. ..very much like bones, but you don't have to wait yer turn
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