oK, I was on the ritalin, for quite some time in the 80s...& still, to this day, I have uncontrollable ticks (many fewer over the years, but now, I have different ones too)...that's a side effect of long term cocain use.
..I have actually been wondering lately; can I sues?
My Ladies will give me somethin' nice...I'm sure...
..I just wants the peoples I love to enjoy the holiday/everyday, to the fullest they can..wake up & get drunk on Christ-mass..play with the cool shtuffs I got Junior..stay drunk & see the parade..eat leftova's from the Eve...drink till I'm numb, & fuck till I pass out!
...I got Junior the coolest shit he can never think of...I bought him a MC-303 off M~D~Doug...
*officially can not wait*
I'm not goin' to a club...the kiddz all say that those places, "are too dark", &, "it's too loud for conversations.", (what kinda' goth sais that shit? I mean reallys dorks, that's who )(I-kiiid!)...& they look like shit if you turn the lights up, well, CC did...since, like, YEARS AGO...
...I know what I said; that is all I see patterns.
...so, C.O.T.N. :
Whom are we supposed to vote for? Republicans? Have you seen the way they act?
..not enough peoples are going third.