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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. *tries to sneak around, but falls over pile of tin cans in corner, makes immense racket scaring self.*


    I failed stalking class :p

  2. ...I don't think that's against the law so much as not a great ideal... I FEEL SUPER.
  3. I know right? She even made a concoction that keeps schizophrenia in check...beat that shit "modern science"!
  4. I saw your work on the myspace...none too shabby.
  5. Yeah...we got a song about that it heals the soul.
  6. Link where it is TOTALLY OBVIOUS that it was a maverick action...oh, & he is playing the 'gay-male' card.
  7. ...thinkin' I'll lay down for about an hour.
  8. ..I don't see how you can advocate face-fucking on network T.V. ...but, the only way in hell, that I could side with yous...is IF, they had ALREADY designated the show rated-M. (which it was not.)
  9. Dude...did you READ any of this thread? Do you remember the guidelines for a fetish show production? ...KISSING...ok...(gender neutral) ...fake-face-fuck-on-national-T.V.?...against society & morals in general (or something like that.)
  10. ...about last night...& trying not to dwell on next week already
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