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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...I missed this.....I went pimp...but, I am bustin' the awkeye out for the week inbetween X-mass, & New-Years... 'cause, you know, I can run around getting drunk for a week & not have to change it, or worry if I'm crumpled or whatever....
  2. ...since they shot him.. ..what does that have to do with it anyways...(not directed at you, in particular )
  3. I used to be shy once... ...no, really...then, I was only shy around 'normals'...now, I am a blazing friek in nature, always shinin' brightly for the peoples; even when I hate the peoples....
  4. ...that's what they tell me...& you'll get a hug as soon as I get there...& who knows what'll happen if they feed me enough Scotch...
  5. ...& I'm only stayin' that late due to your request...then, it's strait home & off to bed...I'm old.
  6. I was in PMs with O_M_G, & we were talkin' about Junior's LIST for the X-mass... ...& I said, "..oh, & a cross bow" & she said, "A Crossbow? " I really almost fell over &--> ...then I was like, "...that shoots the nerf darts.... " What...it brightened me right up
  7. "Reply hazy Try Again" ...so, I feed it the old question again now... "My Sources Say No." MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken.
  8. no idea what exactly to wear...I'm thinkin' of going slightly formal...
  9. ...like I can start the shopping for the Christ-day. I just do not want to have to search for the exact crap that Junior want's really badly...
  11. Has to shave a whole head of hair off daily in order to remain so immaculately bald. ((I was directin' this post at M~BEAU, you know...))
  12. "Outlook Good" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken. Hey, I do edits "My Reply Is No" "YES" MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken. This looks like a contradiction... ...I'ld read it that the person, this person is thinking of, is an archtypical template... ..Or, that they are what they think, just not WHO...
  13. Ya...ich ein UBER-DORKEN...

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