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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...had sex with the dust bunnies in my guest room...then, likened the act to the time he had it with the Golden Girls.
  2. ..un-depressed...so, I figure, uplifted..!?!
  3. I put forth the motion, two events...means two parties, therefore, it is the, "ONLY WAY TO GO!"
  4. You Are a Cow You are a kind, nurturing, and caring creature. You are deeply connected to the world around you. You have a good intuition, and you sense what people need from you. You are happy to give as much as you can. You are a very placid creature. Because you remain so calm and cool, people seem to underestimate your mind. You are extremely intelligent and aware, but you don't always show it. You're more likely to reflect on your thoughts than share them with the world. I regret to inform you all...this blogthing, is broken...
  5. My Wife is "Oh_My_Goth"...& "Ryle Hira" is our girlfriend, you met her at DeadBurgerKing's party for a minute...

    ...good to see you makein' connections!

  6. ...gettin' ready to open up the paints.
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