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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. Yep.. I was just trying to find where people drew the line here.
  2. I don't think it is.. I looked at quite a few pics today & I could tell which ones were shopped, & There are a few of this chick from the shoot
  3. Oh.. Here's one for ya.. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell Me y'all think THIS is too skinny...
  4. We will get all you need soon.. I pray. & Yeah.. I don't know if we can call it a "situation" just yet, but I would not argue with some sort of something
  5. I didn't really want to.. But I worked out anyhow I fact.. I ended up doing a little more than usual
  6. A quesadilla w/ red, yellow, & green peppers.. Zuccini.. Red & green onions.. & Of course CHEESE Oh & a touch of sour cream
  7. Ok.. I stop... For now :}

    *licks face*

  8. Anxious... In a good way.. I'm also feeling bloated & A bit cranky
  9. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. You're not supposed to tell
  10. That is AWESOME... I may just have Rev grow back his beard for this..
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