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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. That a cig sounds good about now...
  2. *kisses*

    Then wear your sunglasses ;}

  3. *squeeeeeel*

    *pins you down & tickles back*

  4. YAY.. We will have a TygerLilli... There are picnic benches, but chairs & blankets would be great as well.. I will be bringing some blankets.
  5. I did my first fetish show there.. I was pierced on stage, & later that night whipped till I bled. I posted a pic from that show in the 'hot goth chicks' thread I used to hang there most Wednesdays for dollar drink night.. Good times. I also Played Vampire The Masquerade there on Sunday nights for a while. Aaahhhh.. Fun debauch times.
  6. That I don't really like my new-ish computer.. It gets unhappy when I play my Pandora & The fan kicks on high
  7. I don't know about that :}

  8. I worked out today & Did my Yoga.. Did you??
  9. This list is now located in the initial post.. Thank you all for your cooperation & I can't wait to see you all there
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