Wow.. I guess it was her time.. Perhaps she just had to see her man just one last time... Maybe she had something important to say & The Universe knew that.
Defiantly some 'Final Destination' shit there.
Living with someone who experiences it & Actually experiencing it are very different though.. & I think it was felt that people where not getting that point..
& Really whether it was dementia, psychosis, or whatever.. This woman should not be punished for doing something she probably rationalized to be a good thing.. Maybe the boy had a bad home life & she thought she was helping.. We don't know.
Point is.. The kid fucked up, & if a kid that age murdered someone, ya'll would probably be nailing them to the wall because "they should have know better"..
Well I say, this kid should have known better.. I started having sex fairly shortly after I turned 13 & I knew to use a damn condom, & My Mother didn't even talk to me about sex.. Ever.
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