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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. Oooooooooo.. I'm sooooooooooo excited
  2. I say Metro.. The point is where it's at Man
  3. I'm thinking I understand why my co-worker is single at 30...
  4. That, sometimes, my co-worker is an inconsiderate ASS-HOLE..
  5. Rev & I got our used Austrian Military boots for $22 each.. I could hook ya up w/ the site if ya want...
  6. I am so glad I feel better so I can go.. I have to take it easy, but I'm going
  7. It's always more fun w/ a friend *runz*
  8. Yeah.. I just changed my E-mail settings so I was not informed every time somebody peed.
  9. I have found that they both have their own unique qualities.. So in my book they are equal.
  10. YAY for all of you.. Keep up the good work Well.. Due to my recent battle w/ a kidney infection.. I have been a lazy withering lump But I did loose a few pounds from the inability to eat for a week Now I just need to healthfully keep it off, which I'm sure won't be an issue.. Especially cuz I now fit into the dress I wanted to wear by July... Don't get Me wrong.. I am not an advocate of loosing weight by not eating, because it generally all comes back when you continue eating normally.. I figure as long as I keep my eating down, like I was anyway.. & I continue exercising when I can.. I will be all good
  11. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I can't stand ignorant ass-holes
  12. I think we are going to skip on this guys.. We just have soooooooo much going on this month... Have fun
  13. Nice.. There a few things I now have on my list
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