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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth


  2. I have not tried to pick either one up yet.. I have been petting them on and off to let them get used to Me... I am going to try to fix whatever is wrong with Lucky with the herbals Rats are known to have respritory issues, so maybe that's what the issue is w/ his breathing..
  3. Sweet.. I have all sorts of excess packing stuff at me work
  4. Eating an onion bagel w/ butter & honey
  5. Thanks What do they like to nest in.. I want to give them something to be cozy... They looked uncomfortable this morning when they were sleeping.
  6. Yeah.. I'm going to clean it out this weekend along w/ spring cleaning Mr. Nibbles was very happy when I gave him a carrot We produce allot of veggie scraps, so they will be well fed... I loves them already.. We have not had a pet in a long time
  7. Happy as hell... My buddy has his kid back from the douche bag Mom
  8. Sounds fun, but Pontiac is a bit out of our neighborhood... & I think we will need to chill with spending $$ by then
  9. I think the kidz were being more silly than anything
  10. I was just thinking about pics from X-mas & new years over there.. I have not seen them. *goes to hunt down Jeff* That's a good pic of you BTW
  11. BBQ Eel roll w/ avocado & cucumber.. Tuna roll w/ jalapeno, avocado & cilantro & Miso soup Nobel Fish it the shiz-nit
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