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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. What the crap is going on in here??
  2. I have the same problem.. With the communication issue I come off to be a total dick sometimes
  3. I totally had to look at the title like three times.. I thought it said Politics vs FemDoms OK.. I go now
  4. I'm pretty sure I know who you are speaking of At least I hope I do
  5. Well put Unfortunately, in the scene you run in that is, more often than not, the case...
  6. Well.. Not gaining Not loosing at the moment either Tis OK.. I am doing it slow, & I like it that way
  7. There is one on 9 mile & John R.. And 15 Mile & Mound
  8. My knee high combat boots... They go with everything What's the best concert you have ever been to??
  9. Perhaps you should use this option on your control panel, under board settings... I'm not here to offend anyone.. DGN has been a place I've been for well over a year now.. I have made allot of friends here & I'm not around to cause trouble.. I just don't see the big deal.. Just ignore it.. I do... I have my sig the way I do, because I feel it expresses who I am.. I say those who don't want to look at the sigs.. Then set your board settings so you don't have to Much Love ~Me
  10. Better than bad, so I must be good...
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