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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. Hmmmm... I totally disagree.... But not more than I just disagreed with the previous statement
  2. I love life... Even the things I don't quite understand
  3. Well hellooooooo..... ^_^

  4. Welfare should be a temporary thing... If they are gonna cut anyone off, they should cut off the people LIVING off of it for YEARS, or people who have additional children while on welfare. {at least make some kind of penalty.. Not just give them MORE $$} I revived assistance for about 3-ish years... I pulled myself out of the hole and VIOLA, I'm a big girl now and I take care of myself and my family.
  5. Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
  6. I'm thinking that Necto was a blast & I wish it was not on a Monday...
  7. Eating a Jimmy John's turkey smammich
  8. I am most certainly NOT impressed with this type of thing & I am glad I don't have a daughter. I don't think the pic in the article is cute or playful... I think it's twisted & many pervos has already spanked it to that pic a million times. For fuck's sake... I don't understand what the hell people are thinking when they come up with this kinda stuff. I would like to meet the mother and father of this child and shake them.
  9. Dancing girls... You defiantly need dancing girls
  10. I feel that someone needs to get punched :D
  11. New DGN is new... It's all darkly colorful..... Nice
  12. I was going to wait until my two week mark @the gym to measure myself, but I couldn't wait... One week in & I have already lost one inch off of my waist AND an inch of my hips
  13. Week one back to the gym... I can feel & see the difference already
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