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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. Kitty gets a visitor and escapes from jail.....
  2. They MUST be intelligent..... Freaky in the sack, or at least willing to try new things is important..... Blue or green eyes is a bonus..... :D
  3. Nobody asked to be born anywhere..... It is just natural selection..... If we could save the world, that would be grand, but we can't..... We all pay allot of time and money to live in this comfort that is America..... I do not believe it is too much to ask that people coming into this country do the same. I don't know if any of you have spent time in a welfare office, but I have.....(I had a hard time for a year or so, don't judge Me, I got off as soon as I could, I also worked for 10 years before that and paid into the system) Anyway, more that half the people there were immigrants..... So, I don't know about any of you , but I am not happy about paying people to come into this country and take away from American families..... I know that the system is screwed for many other reasons as well, but that doesn't help..... I know I may sound like an ass hole to some of you, but I think I am just realistic..... I love everyone alike, I want all the little children of the world to eat and be happy but, I have a hard enough time keeping my family fed..... It's not my fault the Universe put people where they are..... OK, now I am rambling.....
  4. It pisses Me off..... If people want to stay in this country, they should pay (taxes) like everyone else..... Also, many Americans give their life for this country in wars, it is not fair to freeload.
  5. Waiting for Battlestar Galactica to come on.....
  6. NUTS????? Like these????? OR THESE????? Or perhaps theze?????
  7. Looking up funny pics to send Me Rev to cheer him up..... Like this one.....
  8. True..... I am wrong sometimes..... I still say nothing lasts forever (in general)..... I was not trying to be all scientific about it, but it did turn into an interesting discussion from there.....
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