Flu shot = BAD
{that's my opinion}
I have never gotten a flu shot.. Even when the 'bird flu' was around.. I would never intentionally introduce a virus like that into my child's system.. & That's basically what a vaccine does. There have been several cases of people dying from THE SHOT ITSELF.
The media tries to freak us out every couple years with some new fangled flu.. I think it's Bull Shit
People die from the flu all of the time, no matter what name they paste to it.. So I say don't believe the hype!!
Just keep your son healthy by keeping him away from sick kids & eating healthy foods.
So I would advise against it
& Just as a note.. If anyone here gets this H1N1 crap.. Please PM Me, I can get you the herbs to make it go bye-bye
It's not the cheapest way to go, but the quickest route to being healthy.
Oh yeah.. I want Me neck tat & Me dragon done as well
& You Are very smart for doing one side at a time.. I try to tell all the people I pierce to do it that way, but they don't listen & regret it later when their entire bottom lip looks like a plumped sausage
They actually heal faster when done individually Just make sure you go to someone you trust will make sure they are perfectly even.. They look horrible when they don't match
Hmmmm.. What ever do I want
These two.. I would take the entire outfit
Oooo, I like this too..
A groovy Hybrid truck..
A spacious new home..
A Komondor..
This desk for work..
This pretty dress
I'm sure I could sit here all day & put up pics, but I'll stop here... For now