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Everything posted by Oh_My_Goth

  1. I was not trying to offend anyone directly.. I don't know any of you all that well & I have no right to say what you should do with yourself, or your children. I was not.. I was just trying to get people to recognize a different way of doing things. I do however have my own opinions & I will stick to them, if my opinions offend anyone that is not my fault. This is why I generally stay off the serious side of the boards.
  2. You don't buy into healing the entire body? I guess I can't understand that. Holistic practitioners are licensed professionals. We are all about healing the entire self.. I have seen some amazing things happen to people through proper diet & care.. Very sick people. & I did not say it was unacceptable to get care from a Doctor. I will just stop now because it is useless to discuss this subject when I'm just going to get attacked for knowing people can be helped through the balance of the mind, body, & spirit. Sorry if I offended anyone, but I only speak the truth of what I know.
  3. I didn't say that That's great.. But if they are still on Meds, they are not better. & Just to be sure people understand.. I did say Meds DO have their place.. I'm just saying that it is not a permanent solution to any issue. & Most people should educated themselves on the side effects of theses drugs & what they are doing to their bodies... You cannot heal the entire self by destroying the body.
  4. I really don't think you have the right to tell Me what I do & don't know.. You don't know Me or anything about what I have seen, or have been through. There are other ways then Meds... Evidently that is a subject you know nothing about. Sorry if I seem defensive, but I am not ignorant. Actually, I am quite educated on the subject of mental issues in children and adults.
  5. I just got the chance to watch this.. I think it makes a great point.
  6. I still have never been to one of theses, & the commercials taunt Me.
  7. Like the last few days have been very nice
  8. Well that's crappy.. Perhaps your work should hire someone who is reliable
  9. I would just bring it up.. Don't be shy about it. If this person is your friend, then they will be cool with it Thankfully nobody wants to copy my style
  10. Chronic issues are the driving force behind Me becoming a Holistic practitioner, with the specialization in mental issues. I have known people who are extremely sick that do very well in a healthy, supportive environment.. Without drugs. The drugs being pumped into theses people are killing them. {PERIOD} The liver can only take so much abuse before it fails. Medication has become a crutch for many people on them.. People just can't "deal" with every day life so they take these drugs to do the coping for them... & Yes, this is a sign of weakness. I was weak for some time & Got help to be strong again... When I was better, I put down that crutch. I'm not saying that everyone who takes Meds is abusing them, but most are. ---------------------------------------------------- While I'm ranting, it also disgusts me that these drugs are so accepted as "normal" and OK.. People are putting their children on them. Like people putting their teenagers on antidepressants.. WTF?? Teenagers get depressed, it's called hormones... Shit I have seen people put young children on Meds... Like Ritalin... I'm sorry, but children are naturally distracted.. They are trying to take everything in, there is just more to take in the modern world. They need guidance & individualized attention. NOT drugs. **Which supports my ongoing over-population rant** We teach our children that drugs are bad, except if a Doctor gives them to you. I just want people to know that there is an alternative.. Treat the body has a whole *Mind, Body, & Spirit* Again I say, I am in no way saying that all who are on Meds are abusing them, they do have their place. I just think more people need to recognize that their issues can be helped in other ways.. It seems society has just taken to answering their issues with a pill, and that makes Me very sad.
  11. I cannot completely disagree with you.. Medication is a temporary solution & Definatly has it's place. I had my run with them. It should not be something that is taken for years on end... If one never develops coping skills w/o meds then one is a slave/addict to drugs... That's right everyone I said DRUGS.. Cuz that's what they are... Drugs. *Sorry if anyone is offended.. That is not my intention
  12. All of that crap is bad for you in the long run.. It will eventually destroy your body. Get some therapy.. Do some Yoga.. Meditate.. Takes some Herbal remedies... It works. I don't think there is an actual "cure" for mental disorders, but they can be managed in a healthy manner.
  13. I feel loved & I have balls on my shoulder
  14. 38 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 7 members, 30 guests, 1 anonymous users Oh_My_Goth(+), Google, MSN/Bing, t1m3k1ll3r, yousuck2, Lilly420, Invictus, Rev.Reverence(3), Lucia_Woolf No he's not
  15. I love yoooooooou ^,^

  16. They were delicious, thanx :}

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